We are working on an “digital office” project for the largest convenience store chain in Poland. We have successfully completed the first phase of the project, which concerns the processing of “incoming mail”. The second phase of the project focuses on “outgoing mail”. The benefit of the “digital office” is to facilitate mail processing. The customer can utilize digital data archiving without the need to archive paper documents.
We have delivered the first phase of so-called “digital office” project to Žabka Polska retail chain. The solution is based on the Extended ECM platform from OpenText software manufacturer. It includes the agenda for digitalization of incoming mail and parcels.
The implementation of the pilot phase took place between June 2022 and January 2023. The project was delivered by IXTENT’s 5-person team using an agile approach. The SCRUM methodology with 2-week sprints was used.
What was the benefit for our customer?
The customer no longer has to archive documents only in paper form without an automated workflow. Now, it is just enough to scan the incoming envelopes and their contents, including package labels. OCR then automatically extracts the scanned text from the label and transfers it to the appropriate attributes. The mail processing workflow is then started.
Home page after login
Digital office user view
Mail processing takes place in the following steps:
- All data is displayed for extracted data verification by the user.
- The mail is forwarded within the WF to the appropriate DMS user.
- The user confirms that the mail belongs to them and accepts, processes or returns it.
- When a user processes certain document, they can share it with another user.
- The document is digitally archived together with the extracted or added metadata.
Archive view
The project continues
Immediately after the completion of the first project phase, we started implementing the “outgoing mail” phase.
Presentation of the technologies used
Modern SMART UI technology running over the OpenText Content Server product was used for visualization. This way, the user can easily navigate, search and filter mail.
OpenText OCC product was utilized for metadata extraction using OCR.