Are your documents disorganized, poorly secured? Is limited traceability, sharing options or poor control of their life cycle a problem that costs you excessive money and time?
order and control to your documents
search for, collaborate on documents from anywhere
and centralize documents throughout the company
with all legislative / security requirements
All professions of a company’s life cycle are necessary for success and nothing should be neglected. The details are important. The details set you apart. The details win. Personally, I follow several rules: If you want to do something, do it. Always continue and do more. Be different. If there is a queue somewhere, create your own.
We implement document management systems (DMS) from market leaders – OpenText and Microsoft, which are rated by the world’s independent consulting companies as the best quality on the market (source: GARTNER, Forrester). The solution can run on your own HW and SW, as well as in the cloud.
As the only supplier in the Czech Republic, we have experience with hundreds of DMS implementation, integration, consolidation and migration projects in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Europe. Many of these projects were closely related to ERP SAP, Navision and other global and local ERP, CRM and core industry systems.