Improve corporate process efficiency for home office!
Gain a competitive advantage, take control of documents and chats.
In an era of continuing home office and revolutionary change (digital transformation of companies), our communication style is changing… we talk via chats, attend online meetings, work as teams on documents in real time… work is different than before. We need to store the information we receive. For this purpose, we have an unbeatable, efficient and readily available tool for simple archiving, searching, auditing and extraction of shared information, for recording communication history if a team member leaves the company, and for protecting sensitive data.
What do you gain?
- Team lifecycle management in Microsoft Teams.
- Document user rights management (transposed into Microsoft Office apps).
- Control over corporate content sharing.
- Archiving of team content including chats (essential for tracing online conversations back to specific team members).
- Deletion of non-critical content.
- Data logging, elimination of duplicates.
- Easy archiving to DMS.
- Collaboration in document management systems over current document versions.
- Extracting chats with customers, capturing collaboration history.
- Archiving and security of sensitive data.
- Information backup when team members leave.
The add-on offers the option of editing in Office format without having to install any other client software except a browser. The only thing the user needs is connection to the DMS and a Microsoft Office 365 subscriber license, which supports access to Office Online. This add-on is available to customers who use the OpenText ™ Content Suite Platform (CSP) or OpenText ™ Extended ECM in various environments.
OpenText ™ Extended ECM for Microsoft® Office 365 ™ combines corporate content processes in Office 365 and accelerates enterprise efficiency. Extended ECM for Microsoft® Office 365 ™ offers process collaboration and integrates key corporate systems such as ERP, CRM and HCM with Office 365 to increase productivity and facilitate access to information, leading to more efficient processes with compliant and controlled information. Extended ECM for Microsoft® Office 365 ™ integrated with Microsoft Azure Information Protection restricts unauthorized access to secure content and guards against data leaks.
- Video – OpenText Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365 – Now integrated with Microsoft Teams
Problems with observing regulations
Team lifecycle management and maintaining a collaboration history in Microsoft Teams is particularly important for observing external regulations or internal corporate administration and governance principles. It is essential to ensure that the given company has complete control over team membership – especially when team members leave the company or are no longer involved in the project.
On the other hand, it may be necessary to depict and archive their contributions, especially if their work was critical to the project and required the observance of a series of standard operating procedures (SOP) or industrial regulations. You must be able to demonstrate that the project was finalized in compliance with regulations and that the project content was secured pursuant to the company’s administration and governance principles or industrial standards.
Information archiving is crucial when it is necessary to check project details, search for proven procedures and monitor key interactions with customers. Although team chats may appear to be an informal exchange of information, it is important to archive these messages with potentially sensitive information. The depiction of these chats may be fundamental, especially in e-Discovery, where they can be used to prove or refute responsibility.
Does the offered solution appeal to you? Contact us for more information on e-mail