Do you approve and sign a large quantity of documents at your company? Do your clients or employees sign paper documents for you? We have a solution on several security levels, depending on your needs and legislative requirements.
A large number of documents are signed and approved on a daily basis at every company. Whether the paper documents are signed by clients/customers, business partners or employees, or the electronic invoices or orders are issued (or received) by the company to its buyers, they have to be lege artis.
If an entity needs to use secure communication within and outside of the company – towards state institutions (courts, financial bureaus, social security administration), banks or suppliers, or if it is desirable to give documents a seal of authenticity/guarantee their recipients unaltered form, we have a number of solutions on several security levels, based on specific needs and legislative requirements – biometric signing (capturing the author’s authentic writing) or electronically certified signatures and seals. Electronic signatures have the same weight as personal signatures certified by a notary, and comply with the requirements of European eIDAS legislation and Czech law. Remote forms of signing save time and money and eliminate travel.
Signed electronic documents are then archived in a long-term reliable archive, where they are safely kept for x years in the same, unchanged form (secured by a seal/certificate). The archive can automatically renew the seal after the certificate validity expires, and also keeps track of shredding deadlines.
Do you want to know more? We will be happy to discuss the ideal solution for your company. Contact us.