In the era of imperative SAP HANA transition, IXTENT s.r.o. professional services and consultancy can help modern enterprises undertake the costly and risky process of planning and rearranging critical data into an SAP HANA environment, and all other data, documents and records into a highly efficient archiving information storage system.
Today, modern enterprises are migrating their existing SAP corporate backbone into SAP HANA databases. There is no doubt: SAP HANA is a game-changer in the way companies store and process data, transactions and documents. It is a highly advanced and innovative technology, but it is not cheap.
The more data you process and store, the more costly transition to SAP HANA and overall TCO becomes. To this day, companies had a fairly relaxed attitude and scenarios for information archiving, with disks and storage getting cheaper by the day. This is no longer true with SAP HANA migration.
Without a proven, planned and verified archiving scenario, companies may face the immense cost of operating and storing noncritical, historical data stored directly to SAP HANA.
With IXTENT s.r.o. professional services backed by SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText, companies can save time and money while replacing the SAP backbone from ORACLE, DB2 or Microsoft databases. We will guide you through establishing a data archiving practice; analyzing database for the fastest-growing objects and configuring the most relevant data archiving objects. So far, we have successfully served and helped numerous companies it this critical process.
We are able to bring expertise and experience to medium-sized and large companies during migration or soon afterwards. We simply eliminate the necessity of paper archiving, cut application costs and reduce operational and compliance risk.
Contact our sales and our office at: or +420 222 363 653