A new version of IXTENT Smart Document Flow has been released. What will it bring to users?
Smart Document Flow is an unrivaled product developed by IXTENT, which acts as an interface between DMS (enterprise content management system – OpenText Content Suite) and information inputs. The interface of the DMS itself is insufficient for many companies, which is why IXTENT has developed its own component inspired by customers’ needs. Smart Document Flow offers useful and widely configurable add-on functions that are beyond the capabilities of a DMS as such. And which are they?
The benefits of SDF include:
– determination of document deletion rules (GDPR);
– application of timestamps on documents (proof of document origin and its history);
– electronic signing of documents;
– VIRUS scan of input documents;
– DMS structure and document metadata management
With the latest version of IXTENT Smart Document Flow (5.1.0) you get:
- two new interfaces: one for .Net (Win) and the other one for .Net Core (Win / Linux)
- automatic migration system and the possibility of gradual configuration migrations (better traceability thanks to the “Action ID” functionality also for migrations, possibility of manual migration for specific purposes)
- possibility to add data about attributes from DMS
- DMS data caching
- settings independent from DMS environment
- new “documentation” tag in the configuration for writing more extensive documentation (with support for “markdown” syntax)
- possibility to define an example value in attributes configuration
- development improvement – a new basic pipeline for issue of releases, including more than 1100 tests to guarantee that the release is error-free.
For more information on the SDF product, please contact the sales department at: sales@ixtent.com